Monday, July 13, 2020

Going into the Seventh Month of Lockdown, with Cases Climbing

Mozambique's cases of COVID-19 are climbing rapidly.

The only lab is in the capital. So far, the COVID-19 cases that have been found are 4600 and deaths reported 30. (Updated September 8

Other illnesses such as malaria, cholera, and AIDS are more visible (and have not slowed down) but the lockdown for the Coronavirus limits what food is available, limits work and travel, and limits groups that can meet, which affects schools and churches.

One difficulty is that most people can't just stay in their houses. Most houses are small and usually without any water or plumbing. The government says 9% of people have access to water at home. 

So, normal tasks like cooking or bathing or washing clothes (or just getting a glass of water) take hours of investment and require leaving the house: braving the line in the hot sun at a river or a pump, and then carrying a bucket full of water back home.

Join us in praying for the Lord to be near and to hear our prayers, for a vaccine to be found, for mercy for the sick and suffering, and for trusting Him daily in all of our needs.

So glad of your fellowship in Jesus,

Stuart and Sindia Foster
SIM Mozambique

You can give to this ministry here or by mail: SIM USA Box 7900 Charlotte, NC 28241

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